The Tenth Circle by Jon Land
Wow, what a read ! Jon Land takes you on a roller coaster that just will not stop, even if you wish he would ! This is a story that has some roots in reality, remember the preacher down South who was burning the Koran ? Well, Jon takes him into this story and creates a truly terrifying picture of what a madman who is convinced that God is on his side can do. He also takes stereotypes of
neo-cons, embittered ex military types, retired military types, spies, counterspies and creates fantastic story. In this story Blaine McCracken and his sidekick, the Indian need to stop a plot to overthrow the government by Americans. Another borrow from reality, terrorism is coming from within and being made to look like it is coming from abroad. Who's to say that this is not
happening ?
The story goes back and forth between characters, including spies, counterspies, and American history, I loved it
Land takes the reader inside the mind of a truly disturbed preacher, Jeremiah Rule and the reader hopes to God that this is pure fiction. This character is guilty of murders, rape and mutilation, you will be happy to see what happens to him ! Land draws a parallel between his military characters and those in real life who express the sentiment that they "want their country back" . I am never sure what the people in real life want back, but Land seems to have his characters want a country thatg predates 9/11. You'll have fun discovering of they get it.
There is one chapter that had me laughing out loud in another wise dark book and that was the way Land described just how effective retired military personnel can be when they are called upon.
This is a really good book that will start you thinking , could this really happen here ? A friend of mine thinks that this type of book gives the bad guys ideas, I disagree. This book is well plotted and will also give the good guys some ideas. Good job, Mr. Land