This is a delightful read ! The premise is ordinary but he way the story is told is not. A young lawyer who realizes thatg she will never make partner, an Aunt that leaves her the gift of a lifetime, and people who will accept her and love her. Along the way and old family mystery will be solved. The author tells this story beautifully !
The book took me back to a time when people and what they did mattered. It's not always about the money, but it's always about the manner. The author reminded me about this in the way that she told the story. In this book right wins out over wrong and love does indeed blossom in places and ways that are totally unexpired. A friend once told me that books come into you life when you need them. They don't always need to be weighty tomes, very often they are stories like this one that are well told that are just what is needed
I hope t hat we allays have stories like this, authors that are not afraid to write them and the bookshops to sell then in ! This book is perfect for book clubs !
This an author that I will look for more books by !