Wednesday, August 18, 2010

New Book Coming Dead Politician Society by Robin Spano

What a quirky little book. The premise of the story is simple and straightforward. A poli-sci professor organizes a club to teach his students how to make the world a better place. The only problem that he encounters is that some of his students believe that they really can make the world a better place and will stop at nothing, not even murder, to accomplish their ends. Not usually a good life lesson. The main character in the story is an undercover cop with her own set of issues. In fact, all of the characters have their own issues. This is what makes the book a pleasure to read. The author ties all of their issues in with the main story and it works. The main character reminded me of Lisabeth Salander in the Larsen’s book. If she is trying to emulate that character, she fails. Salander, is a more complex character who is definitely more interesting, and better developed. The story is a great beach, summer, read. The story moves at a good pace and I was kept wondering “who dun it” ! Overall a good story with a unique plot.

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